
11-01-2016 美国专利商标局会议纪要

  • Motion to approve previous minutes made by Oriana Barnett, seconded by Corentin Cras-Meneur. 动议无异议通过 and one abstention.

    Fifth grade is offering alternate seating (cushions, 沙滩椅, etc) to improve the learning experience. Mr Fisher requests 4 pillow chairs and 2 沙滩椅 for this purpose. Motion to fund the full amount up to $150.00 made by Elizabeth Morehead and seconded by Kelly Delp. 动议无异议通过.

    Anne Traicoff will follow up on whether there are any left-over scrip cards that can be utilized for these type of purchases. (Update: all the cards have been sold or used and there is no outstanding inventory)

    Thanks to the teachers who attended the Fall Carnival. Students enjoyed seeing them participate.

    “欢乐跑”筹集了33,623美元.今年是00. Everyone worked really hard and did a great job.   Motion to hold the all-school event despite coming up just short of our fundraising goal made by Julie Koehn and seconded by Kelly Delp. 动议无异议通过. A note was made that all parents on the ice at the Ice Cube must sign a waiver. Last year’s event had many “drop-in” parents who were a liability concern for the building.

    Motion to give the teachers who made their class Fun Run goals an extra $50.00 per teacher made by Maisha Ostergren and seconded by Amy Sonntag. 动议无异议通过.

    The company that runs the Fun Run will only provide the webp年龄 next year but may be willing to sell the outside equipment to 美国专利商标局. Kelly Delp will follow up with the company about the equipment and will continue to lead fundraising and promotions next year. Jamie Tomasello has volunteered to be the contact person for an event committee. 在时事通讯中查找更多信息.

    书展赚了6300美元.今年为瑟斯顿图书馆捐了100万英镑. The partnership with Scholastic was very successful, and it was suggested that we request a second cash register for future fairs.

    秋季嘉年华的抽奖活动筹集了196美元.784张票. We possibly underpriced the raffle tickets and pricing might change next year. Thanks to our sponsors who donated over $1100.价值00美元的奖品.   包括随时健身, 书籍比比皆是, 查克奶酪, 皇家咖啡, 大平原汉堡, 假日酒店, 数学题, 按摩嫉妒, Moosejaw, 没有泰国!, Orange Theory, Quality 16, Zap Zone, and Zoey and Joey.

    Tori Melendez mentioned the success of the Science Room and the Community Service Club during the Carnival.

    Turkey Trot will be seeking volunteers for the route soon. It occurs the Tuesday before Thanksgiving at midday. Alisa will contact a potential Mascot for the day. Spray chalk arrows were suggested to help the kids find their way on the route.

    美国专利商标局 Thrift Shop raffle will give us 100% of proceeds, but no one has volunteered to sell tickets. 抽奖期将于周五结束.

    Fitness Feet and other charms were discussed for future active events like walk to school days, 里程俱乐部, 还有火鸡快步舞. 火鸡快步舞护身符将在60美元左右.500为00.

    动议$60.00 for Turkey charms made by Elizabeth Morehead. Motion seconded by Kelly Delp and passes with no objections.

    The courtyard project has completed the initial phase and will move forward in the Spring. It has been sprayed twice to eliminate the Japanese Knotwood. The “Turtle” Rain Garden has been worked on by both the Green Team and parent volunteers, but has many needs (including setting the boundary.) Look for upcoming requests for gardening help in the newsletter. The front “Pit” rain garden will also need maintenance in the future from the 美国专利商标局 and community.

    The community service club is starting a candy drive for our troops, with donated candy due on November 10th. Each classroom will be collecting for this.

    Teacher grant updates will be sent out monthly through Ms. 纽约.

    There will be a “Missing You” card box available soon in the office for Mrs. 斯图尔特.

    B年龄l Friday will now be occurring every other Friday instead of one time per month.

    m步结果为4th 和5th 年级就要回家了.

    Advertising: we will allow advertising in the newsletter in the future.

    Box Tops已经赚了超过1000美元.00 so far and the Little Caesars Pizza fundraising day is election day.

    Send in Campbell’s soup points as well as box tops. The Campbell’s Labels for Education program ends after this year.

    The AAPAC Meeting for parents of children with IEP’s or 504 plans will take place at 斯劳森中学 on Monday, 11月7日7点. The SISS Assistant Director in charge of Thurston, Concetta Lewis will be available an hour beforehand for one-on-one meetings. The Ann Arbor Police Department will speak about child safety and will have a dog from their K-9 unit available to meet.