
2017年4月11日 美国专利商标局 会议纪要

  • Motion to approve last month’s minutes made by Julie Koehn. Motion approved with no objections.

    吉瓦尼斯俱乐部运行: The last couple years, Kiwanis has held a community 5k run in our area with proceeds going to groups at Thurston and Clague. It will be on September 24th, the same day as the Fall Festival.   It will once again be supported by the Orchard Hills/Maplewood 首页owners Association. The publisher of the Kiwanis Morning Edition expressed a desire to increase publicity and get assistance from a Thurston parent in helping organize and promote the run. Tori Melendez voiced her appreciation for the donations made to the Thurston Pantry and offered her assistance as a contact person.

    老师更新: Request to update the sound system in the MPR. We may need new microphones and are looking into options.

    明智的 (Women in Science and Engineering): They are looking for a parent volunteer to coordinate coming into the school and working with the 4th 和5th 成绩. Ms. York will be sending out info to the room parents in those 成绩 to see if there is interest.

    校长的更新: 5月2日nd is an election day and the Sinking Fund Mill年龄 is on the ballot. Updating plumbing and electrical problems in the schools is a goal. Another focus is preparing for expansion of schools in our area, 包括瑟斯顿, due to new construction bringing in more students. We may also see up成绩 to playgrounds and security systems. We are still waiting on more information on the modular classrooms planned for Thurston. There will be an informational meeting at 克拉格中学 on April 25th at 6:30 to discuss the mill年龄.

    商店融资: Remember to renew your Kroger Plus Cards starting May 1st. The website is often busy at this time, so if you can’t get in right away, keep trying.

    It was clarified that the 5th grade trips involve donations from families in addition to 美国专利商标局 funding because of the large entry fees. Parents have raised additional money for the end-of-the-year party from movie nights/bake sales etc. There is a binder that gets passed down each year with suggestions. Perhaps it should be a google doc in the future instead of a binder.

    It was suggested that the line item “5th Grade Parties” be changed to “5th Grade Activities” to be a more accurate description.

    We expect the Thurston Players to give a smaller donation to the 美国专利商标局 than in years past. Ms. York is hoping to get clarification from someone in the Players about this difference.

    Future field trip funding was discussed and whether 美国专利商标局 can continue to pay for them. Any requests for donations would need to be mindful of parents who may not be able to afford them.  

    Without the Fun Run next year we will most likely make less money and will have to make budget cuts.

    预算会议: 4月25日星期二th at 6:00 will be the budget-only meeting. There will most likely not be childcare at this meeting. We will check availability of the 媒体中心 for the location.

    一般的讨论: We are currently scouting locations for three new picnic tables, and will solicit teacher input. One will most likely be in the courtyard area.

    We are still looking for candidates for many 美国专利商标局 positions for next year and are gathering job descriptions.