
May 15, 2018 PTO Meeting Minutes

  • Motion to approve the previous meeting minutes made by Roshayne Jaimon, seconded by Ariana Robbins and approved with no objections.

    Motion to approve budget for next year made by Elizabeth Morehead, seconded by Oriana Barnett and approved with no objections.

    Teacher Report: Thanks for all the appreciation events. In the future, some teachers would like some school supplies and not just food.

    Principal Report: Staff appreciated the food and snacks. We are working to keep up with water in the lounge and make sure custodial staff have access as well.

    We have PTO positions opening for next year. There are some one-year positions and some two-year positions available. If someone is interested in being webmaster in 2019, you can train with the current webmaster next year.

    Thurston Nature Center: There are three new kiosks in the Nature Center with another coming soon.   There will be a fire hydrant added near the modular with the water line coming through the nature center from Prairie St. This means a lot of construction will be occurring on or near the playground. People have been planting non-native plants like cacti in the Nature Center. These must be removed because they can disrupt the ecosystem. There have also been people removing flora from the Nature Center and walking dogs without leashes. Please refrain from doing both.  

    Saferoutes: When there are not at least two adults present to monitor the parking lot, drivers are making many unsafe decisions. The safety team would like two-sided “Stop/Slow” signs to assist in getting the attention of drivers making dangerous choices. There will also be some crosswalk upgrades happening on Prairie St.

    Motion to use $50.00 from Special Request Grants to go toward safety signs was made by Alisa Cox. Motion was seconded by Elizabeth Morehead, and passed with no objections.

    Our next and last meeting of the schoolyear will be at 6:00, June 5th and we’ll be planning next year’s calendar.